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NAM 2017: Call for abstracts on “The Physical Processes Underlying Space Weather”

We invite abstract submission for the National Astronomy Meeting 2017 session “The Physical Processes Underlying Space Weather: Formation, Eruption and Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections”.  

The aim of the session is to bring together solar and heliospheric physicists, both modelers and observers, to discuss the formation and evolution of magnetic flux ropes with particular focus on:

  1. what are the universal physical mechanisms responsible for triggering solar eruptions,
  2. how and when magnetic flux ropes are formed,
  3. how their structure evolves during their propagation through the inner heliosphere,
  4. how the structure of the interplanetary magnetic clouds relate to their source regions on the Sun.


The NAM 2017 will be hosted at the University of Hull (UK) during the 2nd-6th July 2017. We note that this is shortly before the IAU Symposium on Space Weather of the Heliosphere in Exeter (UK), and that this perhaps provides an opportunity for colleagues from further afield to combine two meetings.

Please note that the deadline for abstract submission is April 14, 2017.

For more information, please visit the conference website: https://nam2017.org/